Our services

Our Sourcing Network

Seal of Quality holds strategic and historical connections with TIER1 mills all over the globe.

During our history we developed solid key relationships with tinplate and flat carbon steel producers in Europe, Asia, North and Latin America. Seal of Quality just identifies the right mill with the right price at the right time, with no inquiry limitations!

5 reasons to choose Seal of Quality Sourcing Service:

  1. 50 years experience with global mills.
  2. Immediate Market Intelligence, 24/7.
  3. Unique technical expertise.
  4. Competitive pricing.
  5. Effective & responsible claim management.

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Our Sales Network
What, Where, How we sell

Seal of Quality holds a 50 years tradition in the tinplate business. During four generations we have been building relationships with our customers based on confidence, transparency and friendship. Seal of Quality sells Tinplate and TFS to the majority of final users in the market. Our “strategic values” are:

Our fully trained sales team monitors customers' demand by fully controlling their purchasing cycle. We know each account sourcing preference and price expectations.

24/7 Updated Information
Our back-office guarantees fresh information on contract state through a daily communication with all involved parties, before, during and after order. 

After Sale Follow-up
Our commitment to the contract endures through any post-sales activity. 

Best market conditions on all operational costs involved in contract execution. 

Cost Savings
Our speed in problem solving and our extensive range of options protects your sales return from additional cost risk at all contract stages. 

When reporting market conditions, customers feedback and any other contract related information.

Covered Market Segments

Food Cans

General-Line, Special Packaging, Aereosol Cans/Components


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Easy Open Ends

Crown Caps

Twist Off Closures

Service Center

Best Freight & Warehousing Solutions

When necessary and convenient, we can deliver all the way to buyer’s facilities, offering the best custom and logistic assistance, together with fully integrated freight and warehousing solutions. 

At Seal of Quality logistic services include:

  • Optimize inventory.
  • Optimize routing.
  • Warehouse and transport smart management.
  • Reduce costs at destination, custom and inland transport.

Our back-office skill set includes:

  • Inventory control before, during and after shipment.
  • Production planning.
  • Management reporting.
  • Increase supplier responsiveness.

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Finding the best financial solution

Financing means offering the supplier the desired payment terms while giving the customer a set of comfortable payment options. Seal of Quality is committed to improve its customers' and suppliers' financial KPIs. 

Through customized financial solutions Seal of Quality has access to the more capital intense market segments. Our commitment is to be always there for our customers, especially when lack of finance makes sourcing operations more difficult and uncertain.

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Easy and fast

The origin and destination countries have different rules and regulations that change often. This makes the paperwork complicated to understand and time consuming to manage.

Our people are perfectly trained to understand, interpret and easily explain explain problems and possible solutions to customers in several languages.

Seal of Quality is always looking into new and smoother ways to handle the paperwork and get it faster to ensure easy and timely delivery.

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Prompt deliveries need often efficient solutions

Today’s pressure on liquidity from credit institutions made inventory management critical to optimize operating working capital and cash flow.

In this enviroment Seal of Quality is fully prepared to support its partners providing a stockholding service at the right time and for the needed perios, with just-in-time deliveries.

Finally, if some of your clients need financed for “just in time deliveries”, our combination of services will give you the option to offer those conditions without any cash advance.

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