A global marketing and sourcing consultancy firm for Steel, Packaging and Food.
"Buy convenient & sell expensive; forget about the rest!"
DESIGN. Seal of Quality offers key marketing and sourcing intelligence.
- Customized markets analysis, mapping, sizing, key success factors identification, threats and opportunities spotting.
- Raw materials trends analysis and projections.
- Consumption trends and projections.
- Customized segmentation, penetration, positioning and sourcing strategies design.
- Ideal partners identification.
- KPI's identifiction (sourcing & marketing).
EXECUTION. Seal of Quality helps you to achieve your marketing and sourcing goals, by leveraging its unique market experience.
- Preferred connections with key partners.
- Effectiveness in negotiations.
- All phases contract management.
- Quality control.
- Efficient logistics and customs management.
- Design of packaging and labels.
- Insurance solutions.
- KPI's measurment and reporting.